Mudra Metta
"Taking Care of You First...
Then Taking Care of Others"
Enjoy the grounding, relieving and exhilarating experience of a Thai Massage with Andie!
What is My Mission?
My aim is to provide tools, demonstrate opportunities, and transform over-giving and exhaustion into self-care,
health, and radiance.
"You cannot pour from an empty cup."
My desire is to encourage individuals to take care of themselves first (mudra)...and then others (metta).
Charities Supported in 2024
10% of all proceeds of Mudra Metta are given to charity. This year we are supporting the following charities:
10% of proceeds from your Massages will be donated to the Sutton Food Bank, run out of CAB Sutton to make sure that everyone in the area has their basic dietary needs met.
10% of the proceeds from any Mudra Metta Retreats will be donated to Plan Canada, supporting refugees and helping them with their settlement into Canada.
​Please don't hesitate to contact me by phone or e-mail. You can also fill in the contact form below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
PHONE NUMBER: 450-330-1859